Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Caca Song

Diarrhea is not funny. OK, I'll wait a minute now until you stop laughing ... Done? Good.

Seriously though, in the US diarrhea is usually an uncomfortable nuisance, not a fatal disease. In Africa, with bad water supplies, poor sanitation, and inadequate medical facilities, diarrhea is a major killer, mostly for children.

Peace Corps Cameroon has a number of health volunteers who work on health education, disease prevention, and clean water projects. Since children are the ones most in danger, health volunteers often work with youth and new mothers in their communities teaching them how to avoid catching these illnesses and how to cope if they do get them (i.e. how to make oral rehydration solution).

Since diarrheal illnesses are usually spread by the oh-so-appetizingly named "fecal-oral route" some of our health volunteers try to teach small children how to avoid going down said fecal-oral route.

We volunteers have many weapons in our educational arsenal, but for children and young mothers, some of our health volunteers decided a good way to get the word out would be with a song.

So, without further ado, I now give you, my dear readers, The Caca Song:

“La chanson du caca” pour la prévention de la diarrhée:

Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?
Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?

Le caca touche les mains
Le caca touche les mouches
Le caca touche la terre
Le caca touche le liquide

Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?
Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?

Les mains touchent la nourriture
Les mouches touchent la nourriture
La terre touche la nourriture
Le liquide touche la nourriture

Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?
Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?

Les mains touchent la bouche
La nourriture touche la bouche !
Le liquide touche la bouche
La nourriture touche la bouche

Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?
Comment est-ce que le caca entre dans la bouche ?
Donc, indirectement, le caca touche la bouche . . BEURCK !

English Translation:

The Caca Song for the prevention of diarrhea

How does caca get in your mouth?
How does caca get in your mouth?

Caca touches your hands
Caca touches flies
Caca touches the ground
Caca touches liquid

How does caca get in your mouth?
How does caca get in your mouth?

Hands touch food
Flies touch food
The ground touches food
Liquid touches food

How does caca get in your mouth?
How does caca get in your mouth?

Hands touch your mouth
Food touches your mouth
Liquid touches your mouth
Food touches your mouth

How does caca get in your mouth?
How does caca get in your mouth?
So, indirectly, caca touches your mouth . . BLECCH!

So remember this song. One day your life and your bowels may depend on it.

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