Thursday, February 22, 2007


Oh Rooster,
Oh devil-spawned villain,
Oh bane of my existence,
It is said that Roosters crow with the coming of the dawn,
Yet thy infernal cries always commence at three hours past midnight,
When the world yet sleeps,
Cock-a-doodle-doo!!! Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!
What daemonic force drives thee to crow thus?
I do not understand,
Wherefore Rooster?
Wherefore this torture?
What have I done to merit this punishment?
Wherefore dost thou torment me nightly with thy insane shrieking?
Wherefore willst thou not let me have even one sole night of repose?
Oh Rooster,
Oh foulest of fowl,
I see you and your hens everywhere,
Yet there is nary a one of you to eat,
Wherefore must my neighbors keep chickens anyway?
Oh evil bird of Satan,
Oh object of my darkest hatreds,
If cry you must each night,
Wherefore perch below my window when you do so?
Cock-a-doodle-doo!!! Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!
Is there no release from this neverending noisesome nocturnal hell?


Anonymous said...

I do believe that the dryness of the season has begun to rot your brain... either that or you have gone nuts! :)

Bill Zimmerman said...

nice poem. try earplugs!

Anonymous said...

you could always poison them...just a thought.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, the rooster is often considered an enemy of evil in folklore, given its association with dawn and darkness being chased away.